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- French Novels
- Dom Juan-Moliere-Larousse
Product Details
- Author: Moliere
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-13: 9782035859143
- Language: FRENCH
- Pages: 192
- Publisher: Editions Larousse
- Publishing Date: 19-01-2011
- Subtitle: Novel
- Subject: FRENCH
- Weight: 400g
About The Book
Molire was always careful not to attack the institution of monarchy and the authority of the Church. He earned a position as one of the kings favorites and enjoyed his protection from the attacks of the court. The King allegedly suggested that Molire suspend the performances of Tartuffe, and the author rapidly wrote Don Juan, ou le Festin de Pierre to replace it. It was a strange work, derived from a work by Tirso de Molina and rendered in a prose that still seems modern today. It describes the story of an atheist who becomes a religious hypocrite and for this is punished by God. This work too was quickly suspended. The king, demonstrating his protection once again, became the new official sponsor of Molires troupe.

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