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- Spanish - Easy Readers - Edinumen
- La biblioteca Nivel Intermedio
Author: Isabel Marijuan Adrian
Binding: Paperback
ISBN-10: 8489756236
ISBN-13: 9788489756236
Language: Spanish
Level: 1
Pages: 50
Publisher: Editorial Edinumen
Publishing Date: 01-01-2010
Subtitle: Easy Reader
Subject: Spanish
The Graded Readings library is a complete series of attractive narratives graded by levels and designed specifically for the student of Spanish as a second language. In this collection special attention is paid to the specific needs of the various stages of their learning. The narratives, written according to six levels of learning, incorporate lexical notes in the margin and extensive didactic exploitations. The narratives are written and graded according to the six standard levels of learning. They incorporate lexical notes in the margin They include extensive didactic exploitations of pre-reading, in the middle of reading, and post-reading. A pleasant and fun way to learn Spanish It develops communicative, linguistic, and lexical content designed by specialists in the teaching of Spanish In accordance with the Curriculum Plan of the Cervantes Institute.
Spanish Graded Reading - Intermediate Level II (B1) Plot of this reading: The life of a librarian is monotonous, between requests for books and the routine of order. However, when a beautiful and mysterious reader catches his attention and when the works come to life,?The Library? can become a very interesting place. An agile special story for readers with an average level of Spanish.
book description
Intermediate. The monotonous life of a librarian is interrupted by a beautiful and mysterious reader, and books that begin to come to life. Suddenly, the library has become a very interesting place. From the series Lecturas Graduados de Español, a collection of graduated readers set in various parts of Latin America that presents the diverse socio-linguistic features of the Spanish-speaking world. Includes before and after activities and answer keys.

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