Diverso B Libro del alumno + cuaderno de ejercicios

Publisher: SGEL

ISBN: 9788497789233

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Rs. 3,510.00 Rs. 3,690.00 3,510.00
  • Author: Encina Alonso, Jaime Corpas, Carina Gambluch
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • ISBN-10: 8497789237
  • ISBN-13: 9788497789233
  • Language: Spanish  
  • Pages: 224
  • Publisher: SGEL
  • Publishing Date: 01-08-2016
  • Subject: Spanish

Esta edición especial de Diverso está dirigida a estudiantes de Bachillerato Internacional (IB): amplía los contenidos de Diverso 3 con un apartado de Literatura, trabaja con actividades variadas, que incluyen textos de los autores más relevantes de la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea y prepara a los alumnos para el examen del Programa del Diploma de Español B (se incluyen modelos de examen en nuestra Aula Electrónica).

Manual dividido en 9 unidades en las que se trabajan todas las destrezas integradas.

Al final de cada unidad se ofrece una página de acción-reflexión donde se propone una actividad final y se pide al alumno que reflexione sobre sus actitudes y valores.

El libro contiene un apartado de Literatura que trabaja con actividades variadas una selección de 9 fragmentos de obras de autores españoles y latinoamericanos.

Al final del libro del alumno hay un apéndice gramatical y léxico.

El libro contiene, además, el cuaderno de ejercicios con actividades para trabajar los contenidos del libro del alumno y una sección de autoevaluación en cada unidad.

Las transcripciones de todos los audios que se incluyen en el CD que acompaña a este manual aparecen al final de la obra.

ATENCIÓN: La compra del libro digital de este manual da derecho a un código de acceso a la plataforma Blinklearning durante un año. 


Aimed at International Baccalaureate students. It prepares students for the Spanish B Diploma Program exam (sample exams are included in our Electronic Classroom). Promote an international mindset. Oriented to a collaborative work of inquiry, action and reflection, with special attention to diversity. Divided into concepts that are interrelated with the proposed skills and content and that favor critical and creative thinking. Digital book available for the student with interactive and audio activities. For the teacher, the teaching guide, the worksheets for the videos, exam models, PowerPoint explanations and extra material are included. Manual divided into 9 units in which all the integrated skills are worked on. At the end of each unit there is an action-reflection page. where an individual or group activity is proposed and the student is asked to reflect on their attitudes and values. The book contains a Literature section that works with varied activities a selection of 9 fragments of works by Spanish and Latin American authors. At the end of the book there is a grammatical and lexical appendix. The book also contains the exercise book with activities to work on the contents of the student's book and a self-evaluation section in each unit. The transcripts of all the audios that are included in the CD that accompanies this manual appear at the end of the work. There are videos of the course on our YouTube channel. Digital book available. A sample unit downloadable on our website: www.sgel.es/ele individual or group and the student is asked to reflect on their attitudes and values. The book contains a Literature section that works with varied activities a selection of 9 fragments of works by Spanish and Latin American authors. At the end of the book there is a grammatical and lexical appendix. The book also contains the exercise book with activities to work on the contents of the student's book and a self-evaluation section in each unit. The transcripts of all the audios that are included in the CD that accompanies this manual appear at the end of the work. There are videos of the course on our YouTube channel. Digital book available. A sample unit downloadable on our website: www.sgel.es/ele individual or group and the student is asked to reflect on their attitudes and values. The book contains a Literature section that works with varied activities a selection of 9 fragments of works by Spanish and Latin American authors. At the end of the book there is a grammatical and lexical appendix. The book also contains the exercise book with activities to work on the contents of the student's book and a self-evaluation section in each unit. The transcripts of all the audios that are included in the CD that accompanies this manual appear at the end of the work. There are videos of the course on our YouTube channel. Digital book available. A sample unit downloadable on our website: www.sgel.es/ele The book contains a Literature section that works with varied activities a selection of 9 fragments of works by Spanish and Latin American authors. At the end of the book there is a grammatical and lexical appendix. The book also contains the exercise book with activities to work on the contents of the student's book and a self-evaluation section in each unit. The transcripts of all the audios that are included in the CD that accompanies this manual appear at the end of the work. There are videos of the course on our YouTube channel. Digital book available. A sample unit downloadable on our website: www.sgel.es/ele The book contains a Literature section that works with varied activities a selection of 9 fragments of works by Spanish and Latin American authors. At the end of the book there is a grammatical and lexical appendix. The book also contains the exercise book with activities to work on the contents of the student's book and a self-evaluation section in each unit. The transcripts of all the audios that are included in the CD that accompanies this manual appear at the end of the work. There are videos of the course on our YouTube channel. Digital book available. A sample unit downloadable on our website: www.sgel.es/ele The book also contains the exercise book with activities to work on the contents of the student's book and a self-evaluation section in each unit. The transcripts of all the audios that are included in the CD that accompanies this manual appear at the end of the work. There are videos of the course on our YouTube channel. Digital book available. A sample unit downloadable on our website: www.sgel.es/ele The book also contains the exercise book with activities to work on the contents of the student's book and a self-evaluation section in each unit. The transcripts of all the audios that are included in the CD that accompanies this manual appear at the end of the work. There are videos of the course on our YouTube channel. Digital book available. A sample unit downloadable on our website: www.sgel.es/ele