Alter Ego 4 - Livre de l'élève + CD audio

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782011555168

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,060.00 Rs. 2,090.00 2,060.00
  • Author : Sylvie Pons, Catherine Dollez
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782011555168
  • Language : French
  • Level : B2
  • Pages : 192
  • Publisher : Hachette
  • Publishing Date :  20.83 x 1.02 x 28.19 cm
  • Series : Alter Ego 4
  • Size : 20.83 x 1.02 x 28.19 cm
  • Subtitle : Textbook 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 590g 

The 9 files of Alter Ego 4 revolve around two main axes:
→ Daily life and Points of view .
The learner will thus be able to develop skills to:
- interact in common situations of daily life;
- understand and express points of view on various topics.

→ Based on a wide variety of authentic documents (written and oral), Alter Ego 4 offers language activities from an action perspective. In addition, level 4 emphasizes the acquisition of know-how necessary in a university context.

→ Alter Ego 4 offers many tools to work independently:

  • in each file, bibliographies allowing the learner to go further
  •   grammar sheets constituting a real reference for the learner
  • a cultural primer to facilitate the decoding of the socio-cultural implicits of the proposed documents


Alter Ego 4
   is aimed at learners who have acquired a B1 level.
It aims to acquire the skills described in level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and allows you to take the new DELF B2.