30 Days To More Powerful Vocabulary + Conflict Resolution (Set of 2 books)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788183070027+9788183071338

Availability:In stock

Rs. 220.00 Rs. 294.00 220.00

Product Details

      1. 30 Days To More Powerful Vocabulary

      In just 30 days you will learn:

      • Author : Norman Lewis
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-10 : 9788183070027
      • ISBN-13 : 9788183070027
      • Language : English
      • Pages: 244
      • Publisher : Goyal Saab
      • Publishing Date : June 2011
      • Series :  30 Days To More Powerful Vocabulary
      • Subject : English

      For a better job and faster career advancement, the practical manual that has shown nearly 4,000,000 readers how to acquired a larger, more effective vocabulary in only 15 minutes a day.

      In just 30 days you will learn:

      • How to make words your slaves.
      • How to find the words to sell your ideas.
      • How to add words to your vocabulary while you are at the movies, listening to the radio, or reading.
      • How to use words to impress others without being a show-off.
      • How to find the right words to say exactly what you mean.
      • How to become a lively conversationalist.
      • How to avoid the embarrassment of misusing or mispronouncing words.
      • How to check your progress with 30 challenging tests. Plus a complete index to new words and pronunciation key.
      • After enlightening the lives of nearly 4,000,000, 30 Days to More Powerful Vocabulary is here to help you get a better job, faster career advancement and improve personality. Use this book to acquire control over language with larger and more effective vocabulary. Exercise for 15 minutes daily and see your communication skills getting better and stronger.

      Product Details

          2.  Conflict Resolution

          • Author: Donald H. Weiss
          • Binding: Paperback
          • ISBN-10:  8183071338
          • ISBN-13: 9788183071338
          • Language: English
          • Market: Adolescent/Adult
          • Pages: 58           
          • Publisher: Goyal Publishers
          • Publishing Date: 1 November 2007
          • Series:  Amacom
          • Size: 200 x 140 x 40mm
          • Subtitle: Conflict Resolution
          • Subject: English
          • Weight: 100 gm

          About The Book 

          You'll learn how to:

          Use constructive confrontation techniques.

          Communicate for positive results.

          Give and receive feedback.

          Mediate between opposing parties.

          Take corrective action.