Adomania 4 Guide Pédagogique

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782016252734

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,700.00 Rs. 2,730.00 2,700.00

Product Details

    • Author : Collectif
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-13 : 9782016252734
    • Language : French
    • Pages : 192 
    • Publisher : Hachette
    • Publishing Date : July 2018
    • Series : Adomania 
    • Size :  21 x 1 x 28.5 cm
    • Subtitle :  Teaching Guide
    • Subject : French
    • Weight : 480 g

    About The Book 

    • A very comprehensive introduction: teaching approach and objectives, methodology and advice;
    • Detailed use of all the activities in the student's book, extension activities, tips for presentation on the blackboard, setting up activities, use of the classroom space and cultural information;
    • Answer keys for the student's book and the activity book;
    • Photocopiable revision and deepening sheets to manage heterogeneity;
    • Photocopiable assessment tests.