Product Details
- Author: Fabienne Gallon, Catherine Macquart-Martin, Katia Grau
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-10: 2011558751
- ISBN-13: 9782011558756
- Language: FRENCH
- Level: B1
- Pages: 144
- Publisher: Hachette
- Publishing Date: January 18, 2012
- Subtitle: Teacher's Book
- Subject: FRENCH
- Weight : 0.385kg
About The Book
Structure :
- Une présentation détaillée de la méthode et de la démarche pédagogique
- Une exploitation de toutes les activités du livre de l'élève (animation de classe, corrigés, transcription des enregistrements, activités complémentaires, informations culturelles)
- Des fiches de révision et d'approfondissement photocopiables pour gérer l'hétérogénéité
- Des tests d'évaluation des acquis pour chaque module (avec compréhensions orales complémentaires et corrigés)
- Les corrigés du cahier d'activités
Structure :
- A detailed presentation of the method and the pedagogical approach
- An exploitation of all the activities of the student's book (class animation, answers, transcription of recordings, complementary activities, cultural information)
- Photocopiable revision and deepening sheets to manage heterogeneity
- Assessment tests for each module (with additional oral comprehension and corrections)
- Answers to the activity book
A coursebook for teenagers aged 11-16 covering A1 to B1 of the CEFR. 'Adosphère' adopts an active, task-based approach which, as its name suggests, encourages students to immerse themselves in the lives of the teenagers who appear in the books. It places a strong emphasis on developing students' independence by making them aware of different learning techniques that could benefit them and by encouraging them to evaluate their progress regularly. 'Adosphère' is easy to follow and use and offers both teachers and students a wealth of extra digital material to make the learning process more engaging and interactive. To look at the structure of this course in more detail please click on the following link:

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