Adosphère – 4 Cahier D’Activités + Cd-Rom

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782011558732

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,150.00 Rs. 1,180.00 1,150.00

Product Details

    • Author : Fabienne Gallon, Catherine Macquart-Martin, Katia Grau
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-10 : 2011558735
    • ISBN-13 : 9782011558732
    • Language : French
    • Level : B1
    • Market :Young Adults
    • Pages: 64
    • Publisher : Hachette  
    • Publishing Date : January 11, 2012
    • Series :  Adosphère 
    • Size : 20.32 x 0.76 x 27.94 cm
    • Subtitle : Workbook
    • Subject : French
    • Weight : 204 G

    About The Book 

    Structure :

    • Un suivi  pas à pas du découpage du livre de l'élève qui  propose des activités de renforcement à faire en autonomie. À  la fin de chaque module, une autoévaluation permet à l'apprenant de faire le point sur ses connaissances et de compléter son portfolio en fin d'ouvrage où il sera orienté vers des conseils et des activités de remédiation.
    • CD-ROM inclus avec 100 activités et un lexique multilingue


    Structure :

    • A step-by-step follow-up of the breakdown of the student's book which  offers reinforcement activities to be done independently. At the end of each module, a self-assessment allows the learner to take stock of his knowledge and complete his portfolio at the end of the book where he will be directed to advice and remedial activities .
    • CD-ROM included with 100 activities and a multilingual glossary
    A course book for teenagers aged 11-16 covering A1 to B1 of the CEFR. 'Adosphère' adopts an active, task-based approach which, as its name suggests, encourages students to immerse themselves in the lives of the teenagers who appear in the books. It places a strong emphasis on developing students' independence by making them aware of different learning techniques that could benefit them and by encouraging them to evaluate their progress regularly. 'Adosphère' is easy to follow and use and offers both teachers and students a wealth of extra digital material to make the learning process more engaging and interactive. To look at the structure of this course in more detail please click on the following link: