Alpha plus A1 Bildwörterbuch für erwachsene Lernende

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783065209038

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,060.00 Rs. 2,090.00 2,060.00

Product Details

          • Author : Grunwald, Anita; Hubertus, Peter; Yasans, Vecih
          • Binding : Paperback
          • ISBN-13 : 9783065209038
          • Language : German
          • Market : A1
          • Pages : 152 
          • Publisher : Cornelsen    
          • Publishing Date : Aug 2016
          • Series : Bildwörterbuch 
          • Size : 171 x 243 x 13mm
          • Subtitle : Dictionary 
          • Subject : German
          • Weight : 373 g

          About The Book 

          Indispensable for all participants in literacy courses, for active repetition and expansion of vocabulary.

          The picture dictionary contains 850 terms, sorted by subject. With its help, learners can consolidate their vocabulary and at the same time practice reading and writing skills.

          Suitable for use in courses and for independent learning.

          • High-frequency vocabulary
          • Large font that is particularly suitable for people with poor literacy skills
          • Alphabetical index in the appendix for quick reference