Alpha plus Kompakt Übungsheft

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783065212977

Availability:In stock

Rs. 850.00 Rs. 880.00 850.00

Product Details

          • Author : Hubertus, Peter; Yasans, Vecih
          • Binding: Paperback
          • ISBN-13: 9783065212977
          • Language: German
          • Pages: 77
          • Publisher: Cornelsen
          • Publishing Date: Jan 2018
          • Size : 210 x 297 x 12mm
          • Subject: German
          • Weight: 282 gm

          About The Book 

          The exercise book for the Alpha plus - Compact textbook for learners of duplicates offers numerous exercises and short texts for reading and writing for each lesson. In every second lesson there is a test for self-assessment of the learning progress. The booklet follows the progression of the textbook and is structured according to the lessons