Aula América 2 – Libro del alumno

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9788417260583

Availability:In stock

Rs. 3,040.00 Rs. 3,080.00 3,040.00

Product Details

      • Author :  E. Ariza, J. Corpas, A. Garmendia, G. V. Nieto, G. Molina, C. Soriano
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-13 : 9788417260583
      • Language : Spanish 
      • Level : A2
      • Market : Adolescent/Adult
      • Pages: 232
      • Publisher : Difusion
      • Publishing Date : February,2019
      • Series :  Aula América
      • Size : 220 × 270 Mm
      • Subtitle : Student's Book
      • Subject : Spanish 
      • Weight : 630 gm

      About The Book 

      Aula América is a material that shows the linguistic and cultural reality of Latin America.

      Aula América 2  is the action-oriented Spanish course that makes the classroom the perfect context for learning the language ...

      • for its variety of activities, which take into account different learning styles
      • for its balance between understanding, production and interaction work
      • for his treatment of grammar, rigorous and meaningful
      • for its clear and attractive graphic language
      • because it offers numerous auditory documents
      • because each teaching unit incorporates a video
      • because it is complemented by a platform of digital resources

      Aula América 2  is a compact manual; that is, the same volume includes:

      • the student's book
      • the exercise book ( More exercises )
      • An illustrated glossary ( Words and their variants )
      • an extensive grammar summary ( More grammar )
      • a complete table of regular and irregular verbs