Boeses Erwachen in Heidelberg. B1 Easy Readers (Audio Downloadable)

Publisher: Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart

ISBN: 9788183074629

Availability:In stock

Rs. 190.00 Rs. 195.00 190.00

 Audio file

Product Details

      • Author:  Tatort Daf 
      • Binding: PAPERBACK
      • ISBN-10: 8183074626
      • ISBN-13: 9788183074629
      • Language:  German
      • Level:  A2/B1
      • Pages: 48
      • Publisher: Goyal Publisher
      • Publishing Date: 01-10-2011
      • Subtitle: Boeses Erwachen in Heidelberg. Book + Audio-CD B1
      • Subject: German

      About The Book 

      A series of detective readers each containing an audio-CD with the complete spoken text. The readers tell thrilling stories in settings from quite different regions in Germany.

      The texts therefore include a great deal of regional cultural information such as maps and explanations of local customs.

      At the end of each story there are exercises for reading and listening comprehension, relating to each chapter and the story as a whole.

      The first four readers are on level 2 of the Common European Framework but the series will be expanded to cover more levels of language - and regions of Germany.