Novemberfotos Buch

Publisher: Hueber

ISBN: 9783192295973

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,900.00 Rs. 1,930.00 1,900.00
  • Author : Lena Töpler
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-10 : 319229597X
  • ISBN-13 : 9783192295973
  • Language : German
  • Level : A2
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 84
  • Publisher : Hueber Verlag
  • Publishing Date : September 2015
  • Series : Editorial Idiomas/Hueber
  • Size : ‎ 14.4 x 0.8 x 21.1 cm
  • Subtitle : Book 
  • Subject : German
  • Weight : 170 g

This short novel for German as a foreign language tells of a young Spaniard who comes to Hildesheim to look for work and a new life. The beginning will not be easy, even if Ana's friend lives in Hildesheim. How she still manages to feel comfortable in the new place is what this life-like novel tells about, which reflects many real experiences of young emigrants. The short chapters and a simple but authentic language enable successful reading and work in the classroom from level A1 +.

The author created the beautiful drawings for this book herself.