Collection F - Classes Multi-Niveaux Et Pédagogie Différenciée

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782014016253

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Rs. 2,230.00 Rs. 2,260.00 2,230.00
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782014016253
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages: 192
  • Publisher : Hachette
  • Publishing Date : May 2018
  • Size : 140*230 mm
  • Series : Teachers Resource Material
  • Subtitle : Collection F
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 200 G
General organization of the book: 

Summary of teaching sheets 
Chapter 1: The characteristics of a multi-level language class
Chapter 2: School differentiation: from yesterday to today 
Chapter 3: The communicative and action-oriented approach and the multi-level class
Chapter 4: The role of the group in the multi-level language class 
Chapter 5: The different groupings in a multi-level language class
Chapter 6: The didactization of various supports for a multi-level language class
Chapter 7: The didactization of the same support for a class of learners of different levels
Chapter 8: The contribution of ICT in a multi-level language class

Objectives and methodological approach

The language class is not necessarily the bringing together, under the guidance of a teacher, of a group of students of the same level and of the same learning profile. Heterogeneity is most often the rule: difference in levels, contrasting interests in relation to the language learned, attitudes and learning behaviors strongly differentiated according to the cultural universe of origin. What is called the multi-level class corresponds to this second model and calls for the teacher to put in place appropriate pedagogical solutions that preserve the unity of the group-class while building a specific learning path. Our two authors, Catherine David and Dominique Abry, tackled the problem head-on and set up the bases of a differentiated pedagogy which fits into the logic of learning a foreign language, according to the competence profiles of each. In this way, they want to fill a certain void in this area and reassure teachers by offering them solutions that can find place in various methodological frameworks.