Collection F Français et langues du monde

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782016286470

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Rs. 2,230.00 Rs. 2,260.00 2,230.00
  • Author : Madame Elena SOARE, Madame Anne Zribi-Hertz, Monsieur Dominique LEVET
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782016286470
  • Language : French
  • Pages : 224 
  • Publisher : Hachette
  • Publishing Date : December 2021
  • Series : Collection F
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 310g 
The teaching of French to migrant audiences is organized all the better if it is based on the internalized grammar of the learner. To this end, it is necessary to have descriptions of the source languages ​​to approach French from a comparative perspective. 
Based on sixty languages, the authors organize each part of the book in three stages: the fundamental aspects of the grammatical properties of French, the choices specific to other languages, educational activities to compare them.