Collection F - Lire Et Comprendre En Français Langue Étrangère

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782014016406

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,230.00 Rs. 2,260.00 2,230.00
  • Author : Herve Adami
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782014016406
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages: 192
  • Publisher : Hachette
  • Publishing Date : May 2019
  • Size : 140*230 mm
  • Series : Teachers Resource Material
  • Subtitle : Collection F
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 200 G
General organization of the book:

Chapter 1: Reading and understanding a text in a foreign language
Chapter 2: Supporting reading in FFL class
Chapter 3: Designing an educational sequence
Conclusion Educational

objectives and approaches: 

Knowing how to read is a valuable resource to be able to
progress in the learning of French, as it allows
learners to become independent outside the classroom.
The specificities of reading in a foreign language are first
addressed to shed light on the comprehension processes at work,
bearing in mind that, in most cases, reading has already been acquired.
in mother tongue. Technical and theoretical reflection,
practical proposals are thus closely associated.