Collection F : Pratiques D'écriture - Apprendre À Rédiger En Langue Étrangère

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782011559685

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Rs. 2,230.00 Rs. 2,260.00 2,230.00
  • Autor : Marie-Odile Hidden
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782011559685
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages: 160
  • Publisher : Hachette
  • Publishing Date : Jan 2014
  • Size : 140*230 mm
  • Series : Teachers Resource Material
  • Subtitle : Collection F
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 190 G


1. The place of written production in teaching French as a foreign language

2. The specifics of writing in a foreign language

3. What is a text?

4. Towards a pedagogy of written production in FLE

5. Correct and evaluate a text in FLE

6. The contribution of new technologies 




In recent decades, the teaching / learning of writing practices in a foreign language has undoubtedly been the subject of less educational development than that of other modes of language activity. And yet, the needs are there: the foreign language learner being, as the CEFR describes it, a full-fledged social actor, sooner or later he has to write different kinds of writing in the target language (personal administrative writings , academics, professionals, etc.). How can we help him? Which teaching approach to favor?

This book aims to provide answers to these crucial questions for any teacher. Based on research in cognitive psychology, contrastive rhetoric and textual linguistics, the author makes proposals aimed at supporting the learner in the writing process. In particular, it reviews different pedagogical approaches accompanied by numerous examples so that each teacher can make an informed choice of the one that best suits his learners and his teaching context. The complex question of correcting and evaluating learning texts is also dealt with as well as that of the contribution of new technologies.