Connexions 1 Livre De L’Élève (Audios Downloanable)

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9782278054114

Availability:In stock

Rs. 949.00 Rs. 995.00 949.00

 Audio file

Product Details

      • Author: Yves Loiseau, Régine Mérieux
      • Binding: PAPERBACK
      • ISBN-10: 2278054112
      • ISBN-13: 9782278054114
      • Language:  FRENCH
      • Level:  1
      • Pages: 192
      • Publisher:  Didier
      • Publishing Date: january 7, 2004
      • Subtitle:  TEXTBOOK
      • Subject: FRENCH

      About The Book 

      Guided, comprehensive and effective teaching-learning:
      - realistic content and progression,
      - clear and regular organization,
      - flexible teaching, multiple assessment methods.

      The methodological choices:
      - were defined according to the recommendations of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,
      - are based on permanent contact with teachers in France and abroad.