Contes Grimm

Publisher: Larousse

ISBN: 9782035846365

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Rs. 400.00 Rs. 430.00 400.00
  • Author : Evelyne Amon
  • Binding :  Paper Back
  • ISBN-10 : 2070368408
  • ISBN-13 : 9782035846365
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 143
  • Published : February 8,2012
  • Publisher : Larousse
  • Series : Contes 
  • Subject : French 
  • Size : 11 x 1.7 x 18 cm
  • Weight : 113 g

An all-powerful frog, a cruel stepmother, a ravishing and naive princess, a formidable witch: these are some of the characters who populate the tales of the Brothers Grimm. In these enchanted tales, magic makes a mirror speak, transforms a young man into a crow and transforms a carrot into a carriage. The heroes happily go through a series of trials where weakness takes revenge on strength, where the good are rewarded and the wicked are punished.