Popular Languages
Popular Languages
Das Grobe Spiel Der Verben
Product Details
- Author : Eli
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-13: 9788853628091
- Language: German
- Level: Lower Intermediate
- Market : Ages 11-14
- Publisher: ELI
- Publishing Date: September 2019
- Series : ELI Language Games
- Subtitle: Das Grobe Spiel Der Verben
- Subject: German
- Weight : 345 gm
About The Book
A useful game for practising verb conjugations and sentence structures using 100 everyday verbs! The game contains 132 cards:
- 100 illustrated cards with the infinitive verb written below the picture
- 21 green cards indicating the subject of the sentence
- 8 yellow cards indicating the mood and tense
- 3 red cards with the affirmative, negative and interrogative form
A teacher's booklet, which gives suggestions of different games, is included with the set. (CEFR A2-B1)
Watch the video tutorial here: https://youtu.be/8l1Hwckg214

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