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Cyrano De Bergerac-Edmond Rostand-Larousse
Cyrano De Bergerac-Edmond Rostand-Larousse
Product Details
- Author: Edmond Rostand
- Binding: PAPERBACK
- ISBN-10: 2035834260
- ISBN-13: 9782035834263
- Language: FRENCH
- Pages: 335
- Publisher: LAROUSSE
- Publishing Date: August 22, 2007
- Subtitle: Novel
- Subject: FRENCH
Weight: 300g
About The Book
Universal figure of French panache, Cyrano is a complex hero. A formidable speaker but also a poet, tough with his enemies but fraternal with his friends, in love with beauty but afflicted with a monumental nose, this ace of the sword is in love with his cousin Roxane, who, alas, loves elsewhere: the handsome Christian conquered his heart. Such is the trio that presents this heroic comedy in the form of a romantic drama. Farce rubs shoulders with tragedy and the fate of the characters is fulfilled against a backdrop of imposture.

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