Défi 3-B1 Cahier D’Activités + Cd Mp3

Publisher: Maison Des Langues

ISBN: 9788417249670

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,280.00 Rs. 1,310.00 1,280.00

Product Details

        • Author : Pascal Biras, Anna Chevrier, Charlotte Jade, Stéphanie Wita
        • Binding : Paperback
        • ISBN-10 : 8417249670
        • ISBN-13 : 9788417249670
        • Language : French
        • Level : B1
        • Market : Adolescent/Adult
        • Pages: 104
        • Publisher : MAISON DES LANGUES
        • Publishing Date : august 29, 2019
        • Series :  DÉFI
        • Size : 21 x 0.8 x 29.9 cm
        • Subtitle : WORKBOOK
        • Subject : French
        • Weight : 331

        About The Book 

        An innovative and motivating French as a foreign language course for adolescents and adults. Placing French-speaking cultures and interculturality at the core of the learning process, the books in this collection