Dictionnaire de Synonymes Nuances et Contraires : Library Edition

Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9782321014133

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Rs. 2,980.00 Rs. 2,999.00 2,980.00

Product Details

      • Author :  Team Le Robert
      • Binding : Paperback
      • ISBN-13 : 9782321014133
      • Language : French
      • Pages : 1140
      • Publisher : Le Robert
      • Publishing Date : June 2019
      • Series : Dictionnaire de Synonymes
      • Size : 16.2 x 5 x 24 cm
      • Subtitle : Dictionary
      • Subject : French
      • Weight : 1 kg 250 g

      About The Book 

      More than 200,000 synonyms classified by meaning, 22,000 opposites, the nuances between words with similar meanings explained, all language registers, uses and uses, more than 1,000 words and expressions from the regions of France and the Francophonie as well as analog tables.

      New enriched, revised and expanded edition

      200,000 synonyms classified by meaning:
      A discreet person is reserved, modest, but a discreet place is withdrawn, isolated...

      22,000 opposites to further increase the possibilities of replacement:
      Resister is ne not give in, give in, capitulate or surrender...

      The nuances between words with close meanings explained:
      We teach English but we inculcate values, something urgent is not always urgent.

      Thousands of expressions for a more colorful language:
      To flee is also to take the tangent, thread the alley, pull one's gregues...

      All language registers, uses and uses:
      A flatterer is also a flatterer (literary), a praiser (aged)...

      More than 1,000 words and expressions from the regions of France and the Francophonie:
      A quarrel is also a chicane (Quebec, Louisiana), a margaille (familiar, Belgium)...

      Analog tables:
      To find the names of musical instruments, collectors, shades of color...