Die DaF-Bibliothek Abenteuer am Meer A2/B1 Lektüre mit Audios online

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783061208622

Availability:In stock

Rs. 910.00 Rs. 940.00 910.00

Product Details

    • Author : Andrea Behnke
    • Binding : Paperback 
    • ISBN-13 : 9783061208622
    • Level : A2-B1
    • Language : German
    • Market : Ages 11-14
    • Pages : 56 
    • Publisher : Cornelsen 
    • Publishing Date:  Jul 2018
    • Size : 187 x 123 x 4mm
    • Series : Die junge DaF-Bibliothek
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 72 gm

    About The Book

    Finally vacation! Merle, Kenan, Paul and Lisa go on vacation without their parents - in a holiday camp on the Hallig Hooge in the North Sea. What at first sounds like nature, swimming and lazing around turns into a real adventure vacation.

    With interesting regional studies about the North Sea and reading comprehension tasks.