Die DaF-Bibliothek Teufel in Seide Falsches Spiel in Leipzig A1/A2 Lektüre Mit Audios online

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783061207403

Availability:In stock

Rs. 990.00 Rs. 1,020.00 990.00

Product Details

          • Author : Dittrich, Roland
          • Binding : Paperback 
          • ISBN-13 : 9783061207403
          • Level : A1-A2
          • Language : German
          • Market : Ages 15-16
          • Pages : 48
          • Publisher : Cornelsen 
          • Publishing Date: January 2016
          • Size :  128 x 192 x 5mm
          • Series : Die DaF Bibliothek
          • Subject : German
          • Weight : 65 gm

          About The Book 

          At the fashion fair in Leipzig, people overheat when an international prize is awarded. After the director's kidnapping, detective Elisabeth Aumann researches the losers and discovers the corpse of a young model.