Difficultés expliquées du français for English speakers - Corrigés

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090338447

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Author: Kay Bourlier, Alain Vercollier, Claudine Vercollier 
ISBN-10: 209033844X
ISBN-13: 9782090338447
Language:  FRENCH
Publisher:  Clé international
Publishing Date: 19-08-2004
Subtitle: Corrigés
Subject: FRENCH

Corrections of the work of Grammar intended for English speakers in French as a foreign language (FLE), in the Explained collection , for older adolescents and adults.

The latter is the fruit of 15 years of work by three experienced teachers. This truly new and effective approach to French grammar is based on the real difficulties of the students: the book analyzes the mistakes often made, explains them and identifies the rules that will help the students to stop making them.

The difficulties are described in simple and clear language. A lexicon explains the basics to those who may not yet be familiar with them. Comparisons between English and French are regularly offered.

An important place is given to the exercises of application, which are inside the book. They follow an educational progression.

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