Preparación Al Dele B2- Libro Del Alumno

Publisher: Edelsa

ISBN: 9788490816943

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Rs. 2,160.00 Rs. 2,190.00 2,160.00

Product Details

  • Author :  Pilar Alzugaray
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9788490816943 
  • Language : Spanish
  • Level : B2
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages: 176 
  • Publisher : Edelsa
  • Publishing Date : February,2019
  • Series :  Preparación 
  • Size : 190*265 mm
  • Subtitle : Textbook
  • Subject : Spanish
  • Weight : 400 gm

About The Book 

This book allows students to prepare for the Intermediate Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language, level B2. Downloadable audio, with Hispanic accents. It presents seven complete exam models, similar to the real ones. At the end of the book there are some guidelines for the exams in which the student will find many tips to face the tests successfully. The solutions and the transcripts of the auditions can be found in the book Claves de Preparación para el Diploma de Espanol Lengua Extranjera, Nivel B2. Exam models: Exam. Individual, food, health and hygiene Examination. Work, housing, economy and industry Examination. Education, science and technology Exam. Leisure, shopping and artistic activities Exam. Information, media and society Examination. Politics, social issues, religion and philosophy Exam and guidelines. Travel, transportation, geography and environment Each exam consists of 4 tests: Reading comprehension Listening comprehension Written expression and interaction Oral expression and interaction Clues Audio CD