Preparación Al Dele A1- Libro Del Alumno (Edition 2020)

Publisher: Edelsa

ISBN: 9788490817216

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,110.00 Rs. 2,140.00 2,110.00

Product Details

  • Author : Andrea Fabiana Hidalgo
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Edition : 2020
  • ISBN-13 : 9788490817216
  • Language : Spanish
  • Level : A1
  • Market : Exam Preparation
  • Pages: 128
  • Publisher : Edelsa
  • Publishing Date : March 26, 2020
  • Series :  Dale
  • Size : 189 x 264 x 10mm
  • Subject : Spanish
  • Weight : 317Gm

About The Book 

This book allows students to prepare for the Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language, Level A1.
It presents seven models of complete exams, similar to the real ones.
Test guidelines are provided at the end of the book, where the student will find many helpful tips to help him or her face the tests successfully.
The solutions and the transcripts of the auditions are in the book of Preparation Keys for the Diploma of Spanish Foreign Language, Level A1.