Edito C1 Cahier D Activites (Workbook)

Publisher: Didier

ISBN: 9782278090976

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Rs. 1,710.00 Rs. 1,740.00 1,710.00

Product Details

  • Author: Jérôme Rambert, Magali Risueno, Anouch Bourmayan, Isabelle Cros 
  • Binding: PAPERBACK
  • ISBN-10: 2278090976
  • ISBN-13: 9782278090976
  • Language:  FRENCH
  • Level:  C1
  • Pages: 191
  • Publisher:  Didier
  • Publishing Date: May 23, 2018
  • Subtitle:  Workbook
  • Weight : 800g

About The Book 

Le cahier d'activités pour prolonger le travail en autonomie.

  • Un cahier d’activités méthodologiques, pilier de perfectionnement lexical et linguistique : des productions écrites, des exposés oraux, des fiches méthodologiques, une épreuve DALF, les corrigés commentés


The activity book to prolong the work in autonomy.

  • A book of methodological activities, a pillar of lexical and linguistic development: written productions, oral presentations, methodological sheets, a DALF test, commented answers...

A task-based course for older teenagers and adults who have already reached level B1 of the CEFR. This revised edition of "Edito" continues to work on developing the four main skill areas and pays particular attention to enriching students' vocabulary by presenting them with a range of authentic materials. The students' book now includes the DVD as well as the audio CD, making this a multimedia course that favors active participation from the students.