Anaya ELE en… Escritura. Nivel Avanzado B2

Publisher: Anaya

ISBN: 9788467813708

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Rs. 1,900.00 Rs. 1,930.00 1,900.00
  • Author :  Myriam Alvarez Martinez
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9788467813708
  • Level :  B2
  • Language : Spanish
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 144
  • Publisher : Anaya       
  • Publishing Date : May,2012
  • Size : 170*245 mm
  • Series : Anaya ELE EN collection
  • Subject : Spanish
  • Weight : 255 gm

Graduated practical theoretical series adapted to the Curricular Plan of the Instituto Cervantes dedicated to the art of writing and the description of the different types of genre. It is divided into several chapters where the fundamental characteristics of the different textual typology are explained and discussed in detail, and a final chapter where it is proposed to create various texts written from a keyword. (* CR *) Each chapter consists of: (* CR *) - Theory. Detailed explanation and exemplification of the different types of texts. (* CR *) - Practice. Exercises of recognition, writing and construction of texts. (* CR *) SOLUTIONS are included.