Essentiel et plus...3 - Niveau A2 - Livre de l'élève + CD

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090387919

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,130.00 Rs. 2,160.00 2,130.00
  • Author :  Michèle Butzbach, R.N. Castain, Régine Fache, C.M. Nolla,
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090387919
  • Language :  French
  • Level : A2 
  • Pages : 72
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : June 2012
  • Series : Essentiel et plus...3
  • Size : 21.1 x 0.6 x 28.7 cm
  • Subtitle : textbook
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 240g 

Student's book in the Essential and more... collection , French as a foreign language (FLE) method, for teenagers, level 3 (A2).

With Essentiel et plus... , all basic skills are reinforced: reading, use of information and communication technologies, logical reasoning and creativity, personality development and civic spirit , encouraging autonomy.

Essential and more... , a complete device:

  • student book with student mp3 CD included (all audio from student book, workbook and diversity sheets);
  • workbook;
  • color teaching guide with teacher CD-ROM included;
  • collective audio CD set.