Focus : Écrits en situations + corrigés

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782014016147

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,270.00 Rs. 2,300.00 2,270.00

Product Details

        • Author: Blandine FORZY, Marie LAPARADE
        • Binding: PAPERBACK
        • ISBN-10: 2014016143
        • ISBN-13: 9782014016147
        • Language:  FRENCH
        • Level:  MULTI LEVEL
        • Pages: 208
        • Publisher: Hachette
        • Publishing Date: february 4, 2019
        • Subtitle: corrigés
        • Subject: FRENCH
        • Weight : 500g

        About The Book 

        ? This "all-in-one" reference and training book allows you to practice writing in French from real-life situations:
        To work independently or in class, and the book offers many pragmatic written documents from real life
        The student acquires or strengthens his skills in written reception and production , enabling him to face concrete and authentic everyday situations
        ? A book comprising:
        more than 350 activities
        a lexicon per situation
        a booklet with written materials and the answers