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- Grammar (various): Russian grammar in Illustrations/ Grammatika russkogo iazyka v illystrat
Grammar (various): Russian grammar in Illustrations/ Grammatika russkogo iazyka v illystrat
Grammar (various): Russian grammar in Illustrations/ Grammatika russkogo iazyka v illystrat
- Author : K. Pekhlivanova
- Binding: Paperback
- ISBN-13: 9785883371461
- Level : Near beginners
- Language: Russian
- Market : Adolescent/Adult
- Pages: 352
- Publisher: Russkij yazy'k.Kursy'
- Publishing Date : January 2016
- Series : Grammar (various)
- Subtitle : Russian grammar in Illustrations/ Grammatika russkogo iazyka v illystrat
- Weight : 650 gm
The aim of this grammar textbook is to give students of Russian the abstract rules of Russian grammar in a very understandable and simple way. Situations of modern, everyday life in Russia are presented in the book by the means of illustrations which demonstrate the usage of particular grammar constructions and forms.
The material presented in this book gives a good idea about the main elements of Russian grammar: the noun, the verb and the adjective. All the illustrations, texts and tables in this book help the foreign student learn grammatical constructions which may be absent in their own language. The book is monolingual, and is very well organised, clear and simple to use

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