Gente Joven - Nueva edicion: Libro del profesor 2 (A1-A2)

Publisher: Difusion

ISBN: 9788415620938

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Rs. 2,600.00 Rs. 2,630.00 2,600.00
  • Author : Pilar Carrila Cajal,Francisco Lara González,Matilde Martínez Sallés
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9788415620938
  • Level : Beginners      
  • Language : Spanish
  • Market :Ages 11-14
  • Pages : 176
  • Publisher : Difusion    
  • Publishing Date : February ,2014
  • Size : 210*297 mm
  • Series : Gente Joven - Nueva edición
  • Subject : Spanish
  • Weight : 530   gm

The Young People Teacher's Book 2 New Edition is a didactic guide with suggestions for use for all the activities and for the supplementary material. It includes:

  • Photocopiable worksheets with extra material to take to the classroom.
  • Assessment and self-assessment tables for the teacher and the students.
  • Solutions to the activities in the Workbook and transcripts of all the audios.