Grammaire - Nouvelle grammaire du français
Product Details
- Author : Yvonne Delatour, Dominique Jennepin, Maylis Leon-Dufour
- Binding : Hardcover
- ISBN-10 : 2011552710
- ISBN-13 : 9782011552716
- Language : French
- Market : Adolescent/Adult
- Pages: 365
- Publisher : Hachette
- Publishing Date : January 13,2004
- Series : Grammar
- Size : 18.42 x 1.91 x 24.77 cm
- Subtitle : Nouvelle Grammaire
- Subject : French
- Weight : 699 G
About The Book
All the French language in one volume!
The New Grammar of French, rich and comprehensive, offers learners of French as a foreign language precise benchmarks for mastering written and oral expression, from the second year of study.
This grammar is presented as a course where you will find:
- a clear statement of the essential rules,
- explanations written in a simple language,
- numerous examples in a context of daily life,
- sections: Attention , Referral , Do not say no ... which make it possible to consolidate learning,
- appendices: conjugation tables, verbal constructions, index, etc.
This grammar is therefore essentially practical and aims to play down the learning of our language deemed difficult. It is aimed at all those who, for their studies, their professional activity or their leisure activities, are interested in French.

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