Grenadine 2 - Livre de l'élève (Nouvelle édition)

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782011554703

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,380.00 Rs. 1,410.00 1,380.00
  • Author : Marie-laure PolettiClelia Paccagnino
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782011554703
  • Level : Lower Intermediate    
  • Language : French
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 72
  • Publisher : Hachette  
  • Publishing Date : April 2003
  • Size : 210x285 mm
  • Series : Grenadine
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 210   gm
  • A unit 0 (3p) presentation of the characters of the method and the instructions
  • Nine units of 6 pages
  • Each unit takes place in 3 stages: The children's journey: oral comprehension (situation + verification), where we follow the story of 6 young French-speaking children visiting Paris. The Grenadine cauldron: basic learning (lexicon, rhyme, reflection on the functioning of the language, phonetics). In the country of Grenadine: reinvestment of learning through a song and a game.
  • Three reviews make it possible to take stock regularly
  • The transcriptions of the main audio supports at the end of the book


→ A structured and dynamic learning itinerary built around nine units. 
→ An active, dynamic and fun tool for communication and discovery.
→ A realistic universe, with which children can easily identify, coupled with an inventive and humorous imagination. 
→ Moments of escape, creativity and good humor thanks to songs, games and wacky finds. 
→ Support that will support your students and make your French lessons lively and attractive.