Inspire 2 : Cahier d'activités + audio MP3

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782015135809

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,150.00 Rs. 1,180.00 1,150.00

Product Details

        • Author : Véronique BoisseauxLucas Malcor
        • Binding : Paperback
        • ISBN-13 : 9782015135809
        • Language : French
        • Pages : 128 
        • Publisher : Hachette
        • Publishing Date : November 2020
        • Series : Inspire 
        • Subtitle : Workbook 
        • Subject : French
        • Weight : 330g 

        About The Book 

        Inspire  places the learner at the heart of learning and develops their autonomy in French

        The activity book:
        • Reuse activities to be done independently: comprehension and production activities, with Vocabulary, Grammar, Conjugation, Phonetics and Culture(s) sections
        • Tools for self-assessment: 2 pages of assessment and a portfolio at the end of the unit, plus a white DELF test in the appendix