Ja genau! B1 Band 1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Lösungsbeileger und Audio-CD

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783060241613

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,310.00 Rs. 2,340.00 2,310.00

Product Details

    • Author : Böschel, Claudia; Dusemund-Brackhahn, Carmen
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-13 : 9783060241613
    • Level : B1
    • Language : German
    • Market : Adolescent/Adult
    • Page : 168
    • Publisher : Cornelsen 
    • Publishing Date : Feb 2012
    • Series : Ja genau!
    • Size : 212 x 298 x 13mm
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 561 gm

    About The Book

    Processing time 80 to 100 teaching units per band Yes, exactly! is particularly suitable for teaching heterogeneous groups. Small-step progression and numerous tasks take the learner's abilities into account and encourage multi-channel learning. Each volume consists of seven units - with offers for project work and cooperative learning as well as an extra page with reading texts and speeches. A workbook section with exercises is integrated into each unit, including a page for learning vocabulary. A CD with audio texts is included.