Ja, gerne! A1 Deutsch im Tourismus Kursbuch mit CD

Publisher: Cornelsen

ISBN: 9783060207329

Availability:In stock

Rs. 2,940.00 Rs. 2,970.00 2,940.00

Product Details

          • Author : Grunwald, Anita
          • Binding : Paperback
          • ISBN-13 : 9783060207329
          • Language : German
          • Page : 240
          • Publisher : Cornelsen 
          • Publishing Date : Jun 2014
          • Series : Ja, gerne!
          • Size : 210 x 297 x 20mm
          • Subject : German
          • Weight : 722 gm

          About The Book 

          Ha, gerne! A1 - German in Tourism is aimed at students and employees of the tourism sector without previous knowledge from language. The course / exercise book is for prepare the A1 level of the European Common Mark and includes a sample of the “Start Deutsch 1” exam. 14 o'clock Lessons offer over 180 minutes of learning material audio and phonetic exercises. Content Typical situations in dealing with tourists and clients, among others: How to describe the accommodation, communication with customers by phone, react to orders and complaints customer, make reservations.