Kenntnisse in Deutsch als Zweitsprache erfassen Screening-Modell für Schulanfänger

Publisher: Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart

ISBN: 9783126750998

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Rs. 1,960.00 Rs. 1,990.00 1,960.00

Product Details

    • Author : Ulrike Angelsperger
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-10 : 3126750990
    • ISBN-13 :  9783126750998
    • Language : German
    • Pages : 93
    • Publisher : Klett (Ernst) Verlag, Stuttgart   
    • Publishing Date : June 2002
    • Size : 21 x 0.6 x 29.7 cm
    • Subtitle : Book 
    • Subject : German
    • Weight : 400g 

    About The Book 

    Record knowledge of German as a second language" is a screening model that serves as a practical tool for language level diagnosis when enrolling or registering at school: With little organizational effort and time, the German language skills of children and adolescents of non-German origin can be determined in a qualified manner. With the help of the screening model, teachers with and without test experience can determine whether and which support measures are necessary.

    "Capturing knowledge of German as a second language" offers the theoretical background and working principles of language level diagnostics as well as practice with a comprehensive appendix of materials.

    "Record knowledge of German as a second language" is a four-stage screening concept:

    • Screening stage 1: enrollment procedure
    • Screening stage 2: interview
    • Screening level 3: visual material on the incentive to speak
    • Screening level 4: Play stations - the new way