Product Details
- Author : Marie-Noëlle Cocton, Emilie Pommier
- Binding : PAPERBACK
- ISBN-10 : 2278094440
- ISBN-13 : 9782278094448
- Language : FRENCH
- Level : A2
- Pages : 310
- Publisher :Didier
- Publishing Date : September 11, 2019
- Subtitle : TEACHER’S BOOK
- Subject : FRENCH
- Weight : 700g
About Book
À quoi sert ce guide ?
- Faciliter la découverte et l’utilisation de l’Atelier A2
- Accompagner votre quotidien d’enseignant de FLE
- Vous aider dans votre pratique de classe à l’aide de conseils et d’exemples concrets
- Vous suggérer des variantes d’activités pour personnaliser vos cours
- Rythmer votre pratique de classe, en vous invitant à des moments de détente ou d’enrichissement culturel !
Dans ce guide…
Des conseils pratiques, les corrigés et transcriptions, des notes culturelles, 10 fiches de formation, 8 tests photocopiables avec barème, et…4 jeux à imprimer !
What is this guide for?
- Facilitate the discovery and use of Atelier A2
- Supporting your daily life as a FLE teacher
- Help you in your classroom practice with tips and concrete examples
- Suggest activity variants to personalize your lessons
- Give rhythm to your class practice, by inviting you to moments of relaxation or cultural enrichment!
In this guide…
Practical advice, answer keys and transcriptions, cultural notes, 10 training sheets , 8 photocopiable tests with scale , and… 4 games to print!
L'atelier is a beginner course that encourages students to work together as they learn French. The course is designed for learners to cooperate to construct meaning from the exercises and to solve specific tasks, to discuss together and think about how the language works, step by step and in a spiral progression. In addition to the exercises, there are cultural discoveries to be made and games to play. Learning strategies are included to aid progression and pronunciation is practiced via 34 phonetics videos in the book. The coursebooks include a code that gives access to a digital version of the book. The workbooks follow the same structure and progression as the coursebooks but also include 8 evaluation pages and 8 sections to prepare for the DELF exams. Transcripts of the listening texts and an answer key are included with the workbooks and the accompanying CD MP3s contain the oral comprehension exercises for the workbooks.

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