L’enseignement aux enfants - Techniques et pratiques de classe - Livre + CD

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090353488

Availability:In stock

Rs. 3,690.00 Rs. 3,720.00 3,690.00
  • Author:  Hélène Vanthier
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • ISBN-10:  2090353481
  • ISBN-13:  9782090353488
  • Language:  French
  • Market:  Adult
  • Pages:  100
  • Publisher:  Cle Internaiton
  • Publishing Date:  2/21/2008
  • Series:  echniques et pratiques de classe
  • Size:  167.64 x 236.22 x 15.24mm
  • Subtitle:  textbook 
  • Weight:  400g

Product Description

Didactic work in the Techniques and class practices collection, manual in French as a foreign language (FLE) for teachers and future teachers.

The purpose of this book is twofold:

Provide theoretical and practical answers to the questions posed by the teaching of languages ​​to children;

Provide the teacher with diversified practical proposals that allow him to develop teaching-learning sessions adapted to a given age group.

The first part of the book offers elements of theoretical reflection concerning the teaching of French as a foreign language to children and the various specificities of this public: cognitive, socio-affective and linguistic development, learning and motivation, methodological approaches to be implemented. .

In the second part, you will find many proposals for activities in the form of educational sheets developed from a wide variety of media: nursery rhymes, rhythmic, multi-sensory or interdisciplinary activities, activities to enter the world of writing, situations of discovery of children's literature...

An audio CD containing various sound documents (traditional songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, phonetic discrimination activities) accompanies these educational sheets.