La classe de langue - Techniques et pratiques de classe - Livre

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090330687

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Rs. 3,240.00 Rs. 3,270.00 3,240.00
  • Author : La classe de langue 
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782090330687
  • Language : French
  • Pages : 200
  • Publisher : Clé international
  • Publishing Date : October 2006
  • Series : La classe de langue 
  • Size : 17.1 x 1.2 x 23.9 cm
  • Subtitle : Book 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 340g

Didactic work in the Techniques and class practices collection , manual in French as a foreign language (FLE) for teachers and future teachers.

The language class , new edition is a self-training tool to answer the theoretical and practical questions posed by language teaching.

The reflection section covers:

  • the language taught,
  • the teacher and his training,
  • the learner, his motivations and learning strategies,
  • the class and the different didactic approaches.

The practical sheets offer class activities concerning civilization, oral, written, literature, grammar, visual and audiovisual