La mare au diable - Niveau 1/A1 - Lecture CLE en français facile - Livre + Audio téléchargeable

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090317664

Availability:In stock

Rs. 660.00 Rs. 690.00 660.00

Product Details

        • Author: George Sand
        • Binding: PAPERBACK
        • ISBN-10: 2090317663
        • ISBN-13: 9782090317664
        • Language: FRENCH
        • Level: A1        
        • Pages: 64
        • Publisher: Clé international
        • Publishing Date: february 17, 2017
        • Subtitle: A1 • FANTASTIQUE
        • Subject: FRENCH
        • Weight: 400g 

        About The Book 

        Reading in French as a foreign language (FLE) in the Reading CLE in easy French collection intended for older adolescents and adults level A1.

        La mare au diable
        Germain the plowman, his son Petit Pierre and Marie the shepherdess leave their village together. Germain, a widower for several years, reluctantly sets out to look for a new wife to take care of his children. As for Marie, she goes to work as a shepherdess on the Ormeaux farm, far from her family. Both are sad for the fate that awaits them. Petit Pierre, Germain's eldest son, is the only one who is confident and happy to live. On him will depend the future of his father and the shepherdess ...