La recherche de soi : Les Autres et moi - Anthologie BAC-Larousse

Publisher: Larousse

ISBN: 9782035975355

Availability:In stock

Rs. 400.00 Rs. 430.00 400.00

Product Details

    • Author : Oeuvres classiques
    • Binding :  Paper Back
    • ISBN-10 : 2035975352
    • ISBN-13 : 9782035975355
    • Language : French
    • Market : Adolescent/Adult,
    • Pages : 96
    • Published : August 21, 2019
    • Publisher : Larousse
    • Series : La recherche de soi
    • Subject : French 
    • Size : 124 x 180 mm
    • Weight : 170 g

    About The Book

    An anthology of texts on the theme Les Autres et moi, a new subject of study for the French program as part of the 2020 bac.

    An anthology of the greatest texts by the greatest writers:
    • Les Confessions, by Rousseau • René, by Chateaubriand • Confessions of a child of the century, by Musset • La Recherche, by Proust • If the grain does not die, by Gide • Words, by Sartre