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Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard Larousse
Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard Larousse
Product Details
- Author : Guy de Maupassant
- Binding : Paperback
- ISBN-10 : 2035987105
- ISBN-13 : 9782035987105
- Language : French
- Market : Adolescent/Adult
- Pages: 144
- Publisher : Larousse
- Publishing Date : January 08, 2020
- Series : Le Jeu de l'amour
- Size : 125 x 180 mm
- Subject : French
- Weight : 100 Gm
About The Book
"Am I loved for myself?" This is the question that the characters in The Game of Love and Chance want to answer . The comedy given by Marivaux in 1730 follows a strange pattern, where masters and servants have exchanged roles in order to be able to observe each other better. But the lovers, Dorante and Silvia, disguised as servants, get caught up in their own game. The spectator, an accomplice in the manipulations, witnesses all possible disturbances of the heart, language and identity.

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