Le jeu en classe de langue - Techniques et pratiques de classe - Livre

Publisher: CLE International

ISBN: 9782090353495

Availability:In stock

Rs. 3,240.00 Rs. 3,270.00 3,240.00
  • Author:  Dominique Abry, Haydee Silva
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • ISBN-10:  0
  • ISBN-13:  9782090353495
  • Language:  French
  • Market:  Adult
  • Pages:  207
  • Publisher:  Cle Internaiton
  • Publishing Date:  2/21/2008
  • Series:  Techniques et pratiques de classe
  • Size:  167.64 x 236.22 x 12.7mm
  • Subtitle:  Textbook 
  • Weight:  340g

Product Description

Didactic work in the Techniques and class practices collection , manual in French as a foreign language (FLE) for teachers and future teachers.

The game in the language classroom aims to help better integrate the game into the classroom as a teaching and learning tool. Faced with the great diversity of audiences, objectives to be achieved and teaching situations, it is less a matter of providing ready-to-use recipes than of presenting matrices likely to meet multiple and unique needs.

The book has two parts:
- The first provides teachers with guidelines for initiating or pursuing reflection on the educational use of games, as well as concrete ways to make the most of play media and to create an atmosphere conducive to games. ;

- The second, focused on practical proposals for the class, includes 20 game matrices giving rise to hundreds of different educational uses. Each matrix is ​​illustrated by a detailed ready-to-use application, followed by ten suggested variants