Les 350 Exercices - Vocabulaire - Débutant - Livre de l'élève

Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782010198618

Availability:In stock

Rs. 1,620.00 Rs. 1,650.00 1,620.00
  • Author : Dominique Filpa-ekvallFrancis ProuillacPeter Watcyn-jones
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782010198618
  • Language : French
  • Pages : 65 
  • Publisher : Hachette
  • Publishing Date : October 1992)
  • Series : Les 350 Exercices 
  • Size : 18.03 x 1.02 x 24.89 cm
  • Subtitle : Vocabulaire 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 277 g

Stimulating and fun work to build up a basic vocabulary, i.e. 1350 useful and common words, grouped by theme (the house, shops, trades, animals, DIY, etc.) or by grammatical categories.
Exercises for learning, reviewing and expanding, both for young people and for adults.
The book consists of two parts:
* learning elementary vocabulary
* learning intermediate level vocabulary followed by acquisition control activities.
Fixes are also available