Lesetraining B2 Neu Zertifikat B2 - Lehrerbuch+Glossar

Publisher: KARABATOS

ISBN: 9789604650880+9789604650897

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Rs. 4,910.00 Rs. 4,970.00 4,910.00

Lesetraining B2 neu – Glossar

  • Author :  Papadopoulou Maria
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9789604650897                     
  • Level : B2
  • Language : Greek
  • Market : Adolescent/Adult
  • Pages : 88      
  • Publisher : KARABATOS
  • Publishing Date : January 2020
  • Size : 8.27 x 0.2 x 2.11 inches
  • Series : Lesetraining B2
  • Subject : Greek
  • Weight : 200 g
The Glossary contains the complete vocabulary of the book with all the necessary information and its translation.

Lesetraining B2 neu für das Goethe-Zertifikat B2 - Lehrerbuch
  • Author :  Paranti-Stai Daniela, Spyratou Agapi-Virginia
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9789604650880
  • Level : B2
  • Language : Greek
  • Pages : 140
  • Publishing Date : September 2020
  • Size : 29x21 mm
  • Series : Lesetraining B2!
  • Subject : Greek
  • Weight : 450 gm