Ligne directe 3 Niveau A2 – Livre + CD audio

Publisher: Didier

ISBN: 9782278069224

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Rs. 1,699.00 Rs. 1,720.00 1,699.00
  • Author : Laurence Alemanni
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN-13 : 9782278069224
  • Language : French
  • Level : A2.2
  • Pages : 96 
  • Publisher : Didier 
  • Publishing Date : February 2011
  • Series : Ligne directe 
  • Size : 21 x 0.5 x 28.5 cm
  • Subtitle : Textbook + CD Audio 
  • Subject : French
  • Weight : 259 g

Ligne Directe invites you to interact in French by integrating teenagers' multimedia communication modes.

Actor in the learning process, the student is led to identify the theme of the unit and the communication needs in view of the missions to be carried out.
The action-oriented approach structures the unit: 
- The 3 challenges, intermediate stages before the final mission, encourage the student to explore and appropriate the tools of the language while training in communication skills for small productions. The acquisition of socio-cultural skills is done throughout the unit from authentic written and oral documents; the 3rd challenge emphasizes cultural activities of discovery and production that stimulate comparative observation with other cultures
- The mission, a final collaborative task anchored in the reality of adolescents, makes it possible to reinvest the skills acquired at the end of the course. Autonomy and collaboration are strongly encouraged.

Digital has its place in the method. The activities use blogs, chats, sms… inviting teenagers to communicate with pleasure in French using their daily tools. The videoprojectable manual and the exercise book CD-rom also associate this dimension with learning.

The audio CD included: It includes the dialogues, songs, moods, instructions and group activities allowing students to work orally at their own pace and independently.